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Bl0ckch41news: Our Experiences at EMERGE23 and RSAC23 – BLOOCK


At BLOOCK, we are committed to advancing the field of blockchain technology and cybersecurity, and our presence at Emerge Americas was a testament to that. We were able to connect with like-minded individuals and companies and showcase our innovative solutions to a wider audience. We’re grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a valuable event and are looking forward to more opportunities to connect with the international cybersecurity community.

BLOOCK in San Francisco

Following Emerge Americas, BLOOCK traveled to San Francisco to attend RSAC, one of the largest cybersecurity conferences in the world. The conference boasted 40,000 attendees, with a variety of vendors showcasing their solutions and services.

One of the main takeaways from RSAC was the lack of strong differentiation among vendors, both large and small. With over 3,400 cybersecurity vendors in the market, it’s no surprise that there were many overlapping single-purpose solutions at RSAC. We saw a minimum of 4-5 competitors for each solution type, leading us to wonder whether price and consolidation will win the day.

Despite the focus on major vendors, the “Stronger Together” theme of RSAC seemed somewhat at odds with the trend toward the dominance of a handful of major vendors who were vying for attention at the show. These vendors would have you believe that single-purpose solutions – the maligned but innovative “point solutions” – are generally a bad option, but we know that’s not true. Vendor lock-in is only part of the story, and we believe that innovative, specialized solutions have their place in the cybersecurity landscape.

One thing that every vendor we spoke to at RSAC had in common was a complaint about long sales cycles, ghosting, too much noise in the market, poor results from ABM systems, field sales, BDRs, etc. VC’s also complained of high burn rates and low gross margins. One conclusion from these investors was that now is a good time to start a business that will be in stealth/dev mode for 18 months. Despite the challenges faced by vendors and investors, analysts at RSAC pointed to significant growth in CyberSec technology and services in 2023, as well as attacks and threats.

Outside of RSAC, there were plenty of events happening, and we were excited to be part of them. We met many innovative tech companies outside of RSAC, some of which were also in the Emerging Technologies area on the 2nd floor of Moscone South. There were many who were only at external events, which showed us just how much was going on outside of the conference.

At BLOOCK, we’re excited to continue our expansion into the US market and connect with more like-minded individuals and companies. Our attendance at two major events, Emerge Americas and RSAC, has provided us with the opportunity to showcase our innovative solutions and connect with key players in the cybersecurity industry. During Emerge Americas, we were proud to be part of the Catalan cybersecurity ecosystem and to have participated in the business mission organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya. At RSAC, we were able to connect with over 40,000 attendees and showcase our solutions alongside other vendors in the cybersecurity industry. It was clear that there is a significant need for innovative solutions in the market, and we were proud to stand out with our blockchain-based solutions.

Our attendance at these events has allowed us to make important connections and gain valuable insights into the US blockchain market. We’re excited to continue our expansion and connect with more like-minded individuals and companies in the future. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make our mark in the US blockchain industry.

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